We would like to see and plant indigenous churches wherever there is no other churches are present in the area.
Often time, our strategy is starting from a relationship with the local people or a door which is open by God that allow to go in and started building those relationships up. A small group bible study is introduced to the people there and started having the bible study with them on a weekly basis. As the Holy Spirit guides, we start opening up a church service. Prayer continues spreading and starting building a team of that indigenous church. Our goal is to plant at least more than 200 indigenous house churches all around the country of Cambodia while we're having active and vibrant local churches which are running by local leaders and making disciples through the nation of Cambodia. |
Our house church in Kratie province
House church ministry is a great movement which you can spread the gospel very fast in very remote areas without much costing. Meeting in small group study the Word of God and praying for one another in the fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Our house church bible study
We meet once every week to learn and study the Word of God, worshipping Jesus, taking up an offering and having communion, praying for one another through building up one another of His inspirational Word.
Our church alongside the train track in Phnom Penh
Through Bible group study we can focus closely on the Word of God and understanding the individual needs of our members. This gives us an idea how to pray specifically for each other and doing life planning together to grow healthy of the Body of Christ.